
Writing as a Spiritual Practice

Podcast Details Writing coach and spiritual guide Gay Edelman helps clients ‘compose themselves’ in writing...

Last updated 26 September 2024
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Podcast Details

Writing coach and spiritual guide Gay Edelman helps clients ‘compose themselves’ in writing and build bridges between the inner and outer worlds. When new possibilities can be imagined, epiphanies happen – the personal becomes parable and part of the wealth of folk wisdom fostering personal growth. When imaginative touchstones are elicited and shared, it is a wonderful opportunity to move from dry clinical ground to the fertile soil of soul work.

Therapeutic insight will always have its place in coaching, counselling, and spiritual guidance. However, elements usually associated with literary creativity can make the difference between a clinical case history and a vibrant life story. It is often idioms, metaphors, analogies, and archetypes, which serve to make healing sessions of all kinds truly life-giving, and the writing process itself a journey of soul retrieval.

Persons need to know essential truths about themselves to effectively take their place in the world. They need to know they are worthy of love and belonging. They need to have the courage to be imperfect and learn to be self-compassionate. And they need to feel valued and significant. Yet there is a natural creative tension between ‘the inside story’ of all this and one’s persona engaging with the outside world. When inside/outside aspects of life are aligned and integrated through the written word, more of the whole person can emerge.

Course Content

Writing as Spiritual Guidance: Bridging Two Worlds


Cedric Speyer

Cedric M. Speyer, M.A., M.Ed., RP, is an author, Registered Psychotherapist, and presently a mentor to coaches, counsellors, and therapists. He pioneered E-counselling in Canada, overseeing 100K online cases before establishing InnerView Guidance International (IGI). The vision of IGI brings together the historically separate domains of mental health and spiritual awareness in a new synthesis for the helping professions.

Dr DeeAnna Merz Nagel

Dr. DeeAnna Merz Nagel has co-created Essential Soul Care®, a psychospiritual model that includes a book, an Oracle deck and a certified practitioner course. She is a psychotherapist, clinical supervisor and coach and integrates the healing arts into her teachings. Her doctoral studies focused on multi-faith spiritual direction.

Gay Norton Edelman

Gay Norton Edelman is a is a poet, essayist and author of the book, The Hungry Ghost: How I Ditched 100 Pounds and Came Fully Alive. She is a writing instructor with Project Write Now, a non-profit based in Red Bank, NJ. Working with groups and individuals, in-person and virtually, she focuses on deep psychospiritual aspects of the creative process. Previously, as a writer and editor working for women’s magazines, she specialized in psychology, spirituality, and relationships. Gay has served for many years as a spiritually nurturing life coach. She is also a Reiki master, yogi, and martial arts student, and integrates a variety of healing modalities into her practice as a spiritual guide.


Writing tips: coachgay.com  

Inspirational blog: gayedelman.com

Project Write Now: https://projectwritenow.org/


The Hungry Ghost: How I ditched 100 pounds and came fully alive

Case Studies in Spiritual Coaching: A Survey Across Life, Wellness, and Work Domains

Soul Portals Podcast - Exploring Psychospiritual Horizons

In this podcast series, Cedric Speyer and DeeAnna Nagel engage in conversations with psychospiritual trailblazers, amplifying their voices of wisdom and exploring their unique perspectives on human wholeness. Through their sacred journeys and professional endeavors, these individuals are ‘portals’ through which we see wider vistas of the soul journey. While their names might not grace network news or mainstream podcasts, their insights introduce invaluable aspects of ‘soul work’.